Grove IoT Starter Kits Powered by AWS


Grove IoT Starter Kits Powered by Amazon Web Service (AWS) are four different kits that are designed for AWS to make IoT easier. Each kit consist of a Development Platform(main board) that can be connected to the cloud and a set of Grove modules. These Grove modules provide essential sensors and actuators for anyone interested in AWS IoT.

NOTE: AWS IoT and Development boards that comes with the kit has lots of features. The tutorial below cover the essential steps to connect the Development Platform to AWS IoT. Choose one of the four kits based on the Development Platform of your choice and familiarity.


  • Out-of-the-box, plug and play Grove Modules, no breadboard or soldering work required.

  • Fully compliant with AWS’s services and AWS’s practices.

  • Step-by-step tutorials for developers and Makers for quicker prototyping.

Getting familiar with AWS IoT & Kits

  1. Read, learn and understand about How AWS IoT Works and Getting Started

  2. Register for AWS account (if not already done) for experimenting with AWS IoT.

  3. Read, learn and understand about the Development platform that comes with your kit. Link to the main board documentation is provided in kit user manual. See the individual kit section below.

  4. The kit documentation provides How-Tos on setting up the development boards for connecting to AWS. Use this instruction to download necessary software and firmware for the board.

  5. Explore the possibilities of using Grove Modules with the main board. A link to each Grove Modules documentation is provided in the kit documentation.

Seeeduino Cloud and Grove IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS